Sunday 19 October 2014

Make up

Make Up. Make up is a tricky situation when deciding what to and what not to wear. I tend to find that watching you tubers and beauty gurus only gets you to a certain point seeing as they only show you the products they use, and they tend to be a bit on the pricey side.

When you are new to make up, you tend to be between 12 and 14 ish, meaning that you don't have the money to buy all the products you see, and by the time you can afford them, you tend to have developed your own make up routine! I hope that made sense, it did in my head! Basically, I am not the richest teenager out there so i have had to create my own make up routine that i use daily and works really well so I'm going to share it with you guys! there is not a product over £4.00 ($6.44). Anyway lets begin!

The first item (Labelled no 1) is a natural collection Concealer that I got for £1.99 in super drug. This item is really good and really effective for its price because it covers dark circles really well and blends in with your skin really easily. It comes in a range of shades to match your skin tone and in general (in my opinion) is a really good value for money.

The next items (2) is an eyeliner that comes in the shade of brown, black and also is waterproof. At £2.99 you get a really fine tipped eyeliner brush in a little pot of eyeliner. Although it looks like there is not much eyeliner, this particular pot has lasted me about three months so far! It is really easy to apply and remove, and the fine tip of the brush makes it extremely easy to apply. I would defiantly recommend it to beginners.

Our next (3) product is a miss sporty bronzer at £2.99 it is really easy to use and can be used lightly and harshly. It can be a bit hard to blend in but at such an amazing price i honestly couldn't really expect that much more! Its not a necessity for your makeup kit, but is a good idea if you have very pale skin like me.

Onto number (4). This eyeshadow has been in my make up bag for about a year now without me having to replace it. It comes with four different skin toned eye shadows, but if you have lighter skin, you can use the darker ones to achieve certain eyeshadow looks instead of letting them go to waste.

(5) is baby lips that I'm sure you have all heard of! if you are not sure what lipstick to wear, i would recommend ditching them all and skipping to this product! it costs £2.99 and is amazing at keeping your lips soft and hydrated. You can also get tinted ones if you want to add a bit of colour to your lips.

Product (6) is a collection  mascara which i would sum up as amazing. It costs £3.99 and is just brilliant at giving you lashes volume. Only one or two coats can get your eyelashes looking full, beautiful and well, is everything you could want in a mascara!

Finally product (7) the natural collection foundation comes in almost every shade you can want to match your skin tone. At £1.99, as you can imagine it isn't the best product to apply but it is very good as a foundation for first time buyers and i would defiantly recommend it.

This is all i have for you guys today, please leave a comment telling me what you would like me to write about next and i will get to it as soon as i can.



Brighton in the Autumn
Autumn. Everything about autumn puts a smile on my face. Even the cold, soggy weather that embraces this fine country. I love packing away my shorts and t-shirts and digging out my jumpers, gloves and last years coat. Brighton is especially beautiful in autumn.

The summer crowds and tourists have begun to leave so that slowly the only ones left are the ones who live on this homely towns doorstep. Walking down the barren streets at night, the only light coming from the dim street lights above you. I love walking down to the beach in the middle of the night wrapped up in my favorite old coat and just watch the lapping waves, clearing my mind and relieving me of any stress life has put me under.

I have never been one for big cities personally. Going up to London gives my anxiety everything it needs to set me off. Im not sure but wherever in that massive city I am, the anxiety stays clinging to me, refusing to let go. But thats a story for another time.

I cant think of anything nicer personally than sitting in the window seat of my bedroom, re-reading the hunger games trilogy, or another Harry Potter I have almost got memorized, having a blanket wrapped around my waist and a mug of Heinz tomato soup sitting on a small table next to me. My current situation is sitting in the living room, watching the teen awards as the rain beats down and filling up this first post of my new blog.

Not many people love autumn/winter as much as they should in my opinion. Autumn is usually a time of mourning for those who prefer the hot weather, which i almost despise. For me there is a fine line between the lovely hot weather, the heat with the slight breeze that keeps you cool, and the aggonising heat that keeps you in a constant sweaty, over heated state of discomfort. But once again, I have gone of track.

I love sitting in the Pavilion park in the autumn on a bed of fallen leaves because if you get it just right, when the leaves are dry and crisp instead of soggy and frail, you can see everything from young children building little piles of leaves to throw themselves into, to old couples who have lived here for god knows who long, maybe reliving old memories.

This is all I have to say on the topic of autumn at the moment, here we haven't quite got to my autumn picture of fallen crisp leaves, but all i know is that the trees are turning more gold, red and bronze every day.